This is Mrs.MacQuarie’s chair. Mr. MacQuarie was the Governor who created/designed the core of Sydney.
Sandstone is what makes up this whole area. Most of the older buildings were all built out of sandstone.
Trees in Australia are amazing. This amazing tree was by Mrs. McQuarie’s chair overlooking the harbour.
Some beautiful birds...
Some strange birds...
Big birds...
Cute and cuddly...
Tree kangaroo...
Tasmanian Devil...
Then we travel to a lovely town called Laura where we eat lunch before going to “the rides”
So sweet...
This ‘train’ does a 52 degree incline! Felt like we were standing up.
You can even adjust your seat.
Goes way back...
The Three Sisters...the views are amazing..
The track that the train climbs...
Then we walk the boardwalk through the Rain Forest...
When the miners were here this would have been a shelter for them
The rain forest is so dense. The Blue Mountains get their name from the eucalyptus giving off a blue haze that mixes with the moisture in the air.
This rock formation is called “Boar’s Head”
Then we get dropped at the Olympic Park Wharf to catch the boat back to Circular Quay.
Under the bridge...
And back to the Quay.
Dinner at our favourite Italian restaurant in The Rocks...spaghetti marinara...yum!
Then home again, home again, jiggity jig!
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