Thursday 13 October 2016

And the weather is not perfect...

I have to be completely does rain in Vence!  Lately it has definitely decided fall is here.  It has cooled off as low as 9 degrees at night and the rain and wind have arrived!

Now I'm glad I bought those winter boots.  They are coming in handy.  

I met Marnie at Henry's bar for caffe.  We usually sit outside but today it was too wet.  Cozy inside.
Marnie was on her way to visit her husband Garry who is in hospital in Nice.  Garry is doing better which is great news.

Now the weather can change back quite quickly and that is what I am hoping.  Yesterday for example it was cloudy but there were breaks in the clouds so I decided to visit another hilltop village, Saint-Jeannet.

As I get off the bus Saint-Jeannet is just a short walk.

The year 1666!  Wow!

The interior of the church.  I imagine what it would have been like with just candles in that light fixture.

The view is amazing. That's the Mediterranean in the distance.

Some of the grave markers go back to 1800.

Norte-Dame des Baous.

This is le Baous of which Saint-Jeannet is situated below.  I can't find a translation into English but it seems to mean a rocky outcropping as there are several in the area.

Then I spot this sign and it speaks to me!  I'm not calling myself a saint but it invites me to sit.

While I wait for the bus I enjoy un verre de vin rose. delicious in the afternoon!





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