Thursday 5 September 2024


We head out of Venice and catch the train to Ravenna at 2:40.  Two hours to Ferrara where we change trains and then a hour to Ravenna. All through the countryside.  Lots of vineyards.  The weather is hot but still pleasant.

We check in to Atmosfera, our B&B.  Then we go looking for a place for dinner.  The first place we try is full and we don’t have a reservation.  Who’d have guessed that we would need a reservation on a Wednesday night!  We then find another lovely restaurant and have this dish called Dry Pasta with clams, shrimp and tomatoes which is delicious with a crisp glass of white wine.  Low calorie I’m sure!

The next day after breakfast we head off to see the beautiful Byzantine mosaic murals which Ravenna is known for.  This is the Basilica di San Vitale.

The mosaic tile work is amazing. Each tile is no bigger than your finger nail.

Next is the Mausoleo Di Galla Placidia

One of the crypts.

Next we go to Battistero Neoniano

This is the Battistero Degli Ariani however it closed at noon and we didn’t make it in time to go inside.

This is the Basilica di Sant’Apollinare Nuovo

Last we visit Cappella Di S. Andrea

This is theThrone of Archbishop Maximian (VI century) made completely of ivory

Tablets mainly from funerals. 

Finished sight seeing.  Time for lunch on the Piazza Del Popola.  A storm is moving in so we plan on getting back to the B&B before the rain starts.  Dinner at Trattoria Al Cerchio tonight.

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