Sunday 26 May 2024

Valencia, the Garden City

We finally arrive in Valencia.

There are miles of clean beaches.

IMAX theatre and Science centre in the Arts and Science City.  An outstanding scientific and cultural complex with futuristic architecture, designed by local architect Santiago Calatrava.

The Gates of the City

Valencia is a beautiful city.  Lots of history but also modern. This is the Catalan flag.

There are so many beautiful buildings.  I’ve only posted a fraction of all the photos I took.

If you look into the water you can see ruins from Roman times which are preserved in the museum below.

I love the doors and gates on so many of the buildings.

This bridge reminds me of the Bridge of Tears in Venice.

Two part gate.  They could open a smaller door for people and only open the full doors for horses and carriages.

Colourful streets

A very clever mime.

Lots of colourful flower stalls around the plaza.

As bull fighting has been illegal for a while they are repurposing the bull rings.  One is used for special events and the other is a department store.

This is the North train station.

Lunch of tapas.  The rings are calamari.  It was very good.

Colourful Jacaranda trees.  Back in 1957 they decided to reroute the river.  The River had caused severe floods in the past so they rerouted it and made the old river bed into a park.  It’s 8 miles long and consists of bike paths, soccer fields, playgrounds and many other uses.  It provides shade and is lovely.

Bev and I rented bikes and rode the park down to the Science and Art buildings.

A gargoyle on the bridge.

Interesting fountain.  They have been experiencing drought in Spain so a lot of fountains are not running.

In the evening we attended a class on making paella, a Spanish omelette and a sponge cake.

Our paella was a success and fed everyone with lots left over which we gave to Havi, our bus driver.

Here is our group including chef Luis.  We’re proudly holding our successful baking before we sat down and ate. 

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