Thursday 23 May 2024

En route to Valencia

We leave Granada and make a stop at Purullena. We have the opportunity to see a cave home which are quite common in this area.

This is the entrance to the home.  In this case they have opened their home to the public in the form of a museum.  They are the 5th generation to live in this home.  The newest part is ground level and there are three levels with the top level being the oldest.

They have all the necessary comforts of a regular home.  The temperature remains moderate whether it is hot or cold outside.  The hills are made of soft clay but once dug out and open to the air it hardens.  They then white wash the walls.  It is very stable and strong.

They can even entertain a large gathering. 

The view from the third floor is quite amazing. 

In the middle you can see another large cave home. Wherever there is a small hill you can make out the chimney on top indicating someone lives there. 

Next stop is Alicante.  Beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean.

There was parasailing for the more adventurous. 

I’ll have to keep this city in mind when looking for moorage for my yacht! 😂

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