Friday 31 May 2024


We then arrive in Barcelona.  This is the last city on our Gate 1 tour. We have 3 nights here. 

Beautiful cathedral. 

Bev and I have dinner in the plaza by the cathedral.  Bev has roast piglet and I have lamb shoulder however it doesn’t look like lamb shoulder. As the waiter said it looks more like a dinosaur bone.  They were delicious.

Strolling down Las Ramblas.  So much to see.

Fantastic marketplace.  Closed Sunday however we were able to experience it yesterday.  Anything you’d want to eat is here.

Even Marilyn was there!

Wandering the narrow streets you can find some colourful murals.

Such interesting buildings. 

Creations of Gaudi

Beautiful, shaded avenue by the Arc de Triumph.

Street lights designed by Gaudi.  Either you love it or you don’t!

Olives, olives, olives!

View from the National Palace on the hill looking down at Barcelona.  Buildings from the Olympics were located here.  You can see Sagrada Familia in the distance.

And of course gelato!  Always finish the day with gelato!

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