Thursday 7 December 2023


Sunday, November 19/23

This morning we have docked in Kagoshima.  Kagoshima is on the southern most island. The wind has subsided and the waters have calmed.  Thank heaven.  After having coffee in our room we go to the Oceanside Cafe for breakfast.  As we are going on a tour we thought we should have some protein.  Of course we eat too much. The food is plentiful and so good.  We meet in in the theatre to be “processed” through security to meet our bus for the tour.  Our tour guide is Eiko and she is good.  

We head to the Chiran Peace Museum.  This contains the story of the Kamikaze pilots of WWII.  

The remains of one of the planes. 

So sad.  All the lives lost of very young men.  We are told that from a very young age they are taught that their purpose in life is to die for their country.  When they go on their mission they will die and if for some reason they don’t die and return it is with great shame and they will commit suicide.  

Barracks of pilots called Triangular Houses. They spent their last night here prior to flying their mission. The houses were half buried with only the roof showing therefore called Triangular Houses. 

We watch some old film footage from the Second World War of American ships being the target of hundreds of these small Japanese suicidal planes.  So many are shot down but some do find their target.

From there we drive to the Chirac Gardens where we see the homes where Samurai lived during the 16th and 17th century.  This was the Edo period and by 1750 this period ended and so did the Samurai.  Their homes were above average with beautiful gardens

We head back to the port and it’s such a beautiful day we decide to walk about in this huge park prior to getting back on the ship.  When we do we go for lunch (and eat too much) then have a glass of wine and sit outside on the deck admiring the view.

I am now in the Cafe al Bacio having a cappuccino and a slice of chocolate cake.

 I’ll now get a glass of Malbec and go back outside to watch the sunset.  There is a band playing and people waving as we set off.  Marlene is napping and we’ll meet for dinner at 7 pm then go to the show.  How will I survive life after disembarking at the end of our cruises?  Oh well, 17 more days until then and I’m sure at least 10 more pounds! The show was very impressive.  Great entertainment.

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