Tuesday 13 November 2012

Floating Village

Today we travelled a short distance to Tonle Lake where there is a floating village.  These people are so poor it's unbelievable.  I took several pictures with my camera but forgot to take some with my I Phone so that I could post some.  We had so many parents come up to our boat with children about 3 years old to pose with a snake around their shoulder so that we would take a picture and give them a dollar.  There was one child that wasn't even two but was busy baling water from her mother's boat.  There was a school that we visited where we learned there are 300 children and 5 teachers.  The only way they get the children to attend is to feed them as many are orphans.  Our driver told us that if we wanted to help we could purchase a bag of rice for $25 and give it to the school.  With everything being so corrupt in a lot of areas this was a way of giving something directly to the children.  So many victims of land mines as well.  Amputees are frequent.

When we returned to town we went to the Siem Reap museum which was amazing.  2-1/2 hrs. later we emerge and it's pouring!  Short lived though and then a short ride in a tuk tuk and we're back at the hotel.  Decided on Italian food tonight.  Wonderful food.  
The manager is Italian but from New Zealand.  Very knowledgable.  Had Passion Creme Brule for desert and Lemon Cello on the house.  Booked massage for tomorrow, can't wait!  Perhaps we'll let the fishes feast on our toes first!

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