Wednesday 5 June 2024

Last days in Lagos

Our time is coming to a close. We go kayaking one day but the waters are very rough.  The ocean is warm but it’s very strenuous paddling along the coast. Two kayaks in our group flip over. After they had cancelled two previous days due to high winds and rough water I believe they should have cancelled this day as well.  We did survive however my arms are very sore from paddling. 

Quite rough with large waves. We saw only one cave called The Cathedral as the other caves were too dangerous on such a windy day,

I love the colourful tile work.

Our view from our apartment. Would definitely stay here again. 

Night time in Lagos is special. 

We finally take the leap and try sardines. It’s tricky eating them but I believe we mastered it!

Lamb curry is an interesting dish to go with our sardines but a glass of wine makes it perfect!

Totally relaxed. Leaving tomorrow by train to Cascais for two nights then home. I think I’m ready. 

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