Saturday 4 January 2014

On my own for the day

Jorge and Ginny went to a place called Buta Mallin today.  It is supposed to be very beautiful with wonderful views.  Jorge leaves tomorrow To go back to San Martin so they wanted to have a chance to spend the day there.  I hope to go at another time.  They have to take quite a few things so that the trip is comfortable for Ginny.

While they were gone I pretty well had the place to myself so I just puttered around.  I decided to clean some of the tack that was hanging around.  Brought back memories of when I had my horse.  I'm just sitting in the shade on the's really warm today and for once the strong winds have abated and there is just a gentle breeze which makes it perfect.

This is my view from the porch looking over at a couple of the corrals.  I also enjoy 'shovelling manure' so I cleaned both these corrals today.  Anything "horse".  Loving the peace and quiet.  No sirens here!

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