Monday, 22 July 2019

Music festival in White Rock

Tour de White Rock

Me, Kathy and Sue enjoying ourselves.  The band Kalimba was good.  Tribute to Earth, Wind and Fire.

Weekend at Whistler!

Susan and Rich did a house swap and invited us all up to Whistler.

Raining when I arrived.

The Train Wreck - amazing graffiti

Sue with Stella

Harper driving in the rain

So much concentration!


Teeny was such a good sport to go in these water wheels!

Ready for takeoff!

Totally soaked but having fun!

Back at the house all dried out?

Awesome skateboard park!

Canada Day!

Jameson graduates!

Jamie graduated from daycare....kindergarten next year.

Proud momma and dad

Mike’s Forty!

Mike turned forty and we all went to The Bennett which was a great get together.

Kate, Sophia and Sue

Steve and Rob

The Three Amigos

Celebrating Harper’s 5th birthday

Heading down to the beach

Dinner and then a sleep over

Sunday, 21 July 2019

It’s Baseball time!

this spring all three grandsons are in baseball.  Makes for busy times making sure I make all the games and practices.  Nana cheers from the sidelines....not sure if it’s a good thing or embarrassing for the kids! 🤔

Harper ready to catch!


Harper up to bat,


 Good hit Landon


Jamie ready to hit it out of the park!


Back catcher (his favourite)


Great catch!

The Yankees,

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Girl’s Weekend

Janet, Kathy, Marg and I spent the weekend in awonderful house on the beach on Saltspring Island.

What a great place

This is our view

Marg, Kathy and me

We had a great dinner with Jan’s cousin and Kate and her husband joining us
Kathy and Jan